20 Best Selling Books Every Bibliophile Should Read

20 Best-Selling Books Every Bibliophile Should Read!

Every book has a message and a moral. But there are truly some books that stand out in the stacks and are timeless classics. These books pass on from generation to generation as must-read words of wisdom. Here are 20 bestselling books that should be on your to-read list!

20 Best-Selling Books Every Bibliophile Should Read

  1. Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung By Mao Zedong
  2. The Lord of The Rings By J.R.R Tolkein
  3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K Rowling
  4. The God of Small Things By Arundhati Roy
  5. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
  6. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings By Maya Angelou
  7. The Diary of A Young Girl By Anne Frank
  8. A Brief History of Time By Stephen Hawking
  9. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
  10. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
  11. The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho
  12. The Bhagavad Gita By Vyasa
  13. 1984 by George Orwell
  14. A Suitable Boy By Vikram Seth
  15. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  16. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  17. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
  18. The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley By Malcolm X and Alex Haley
  19. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  20. Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie

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20 Best Selling Books Every Bibliophile Should Read

Very few things are as pleasurable as reading a gripping book. If you’re bitten by the reading bug and are looking for great recommendations on must-read books, we have you covered! Here are 20 best-selling books you ought to have on your shelf. From romance to magical realism and autobiographies, there’s something in here from every genre! Some of these books are un-put-down-able; don’t tell us we didn’t warn you!

1. Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung By Mao Zedong

Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung By Mao Zedong

Genre Political Commentary
Year of Release 1964
Copies Sold Worldwide 6.5 billion copies

This inspirational and political document was written by the former Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party. It was a landmark book during the Cultural Revolution. Often called the “Little Red Book”, this book has 427 quotations by Mao on 33 topics. It illustrates his thoughts on various themes such as socialism & communalism, war & peace, people’s war, discipline, youth and patriotism. The revolutionary beliefs shared in this book shape the idea of what China is today.

If the statements and speeches of Mao Tse-Tung catch your intrigue, you can learn more about the Chinese communist party and the political landscape of the country on Coursera in a course called Chinese Politics 1 – China and Political Science.

2. The Lord of The Rings By J.R.R Tolkien

The Lord of The Rings By J.R.R Tolkein

Genre Epic Fantasy Novel
Year of Release 1954
Copies Sold Worldwide 150 million copies

This epic novel has caught the intrigue of the entire world over the last few decades thanks to its larger-than-life illustrations and fantasy world. Originally written as a sequel to The Hobbit, The Lord of The Rings has today become a universe in itself.

The story is about an epic ring, a source of immense power and how Frodo, a Christ-like figure, endeavours to destroy this ring. What follows is a rich storytelling experience that spans three volumes. This book must be read to be experienced, as no words can justify its grandeur and mastery. JRR Tolkien is a genius storyteller, and it is no wonder this rich and dense series captivates the imagination of artists, directors and adaptors even today! If this is too lengthy a read, invest in some great boAt speakers and download an audiobook, but you can’t miss taking yourself through this story!

3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K Rowling

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K Rowling

Genre Fantasy/Adventure
Year of Release 1997
Copies Sold Worldwide 120 million copies

Writing about this book takes me back to my school days when I would huddle up in bed and convince my droopy & sleepy eyes to read just one more page of this absolute masterpiece. Harry Potter is a world and one of the best book series ever. Ask any 90s kid about these books and watch them speak with a twinkle in their eye.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is the first of the series and also the best-selling one. It is the story of an orphan who discovers that he isn’t weird but a wizard and how his education through wizardry unfolds through the years, unravelling pieces of his family history bit by bit.

Once you have finished reading this un-put-down-able book, head to the movie because that is a visual spectacle, too. Rent or buy Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone on BookMyShow and make it a movie night you won’t forget!

4. The God of Small Things By Arundhati Roy

The God of Small Things By Arundhati Roy

Genre Domestic Fiction
Year of Release 1997
Copies Sold Worldwide 8 million copies

This modern classic is one of India’s most celebrated books, with good reason. The novel traces the life of a set of twins named Estha and Rahel and how their life changes after the arrival of their cousin Sophie. This tale of emotions, betrayal and love is beautifully illustrated with the subtle yet evident backdrop of the Indian political and social landscape that was at the time laced with casteism and discrimination.

A true landmark in Roy’s career that put her on the global map of illustrious writers and even earned her the Booker Prize for Fiction in 1997, this book became the best-selling book by a non-expatriate Indian author. Best Selling Books Every Bibliophile Should Read makes you want to visit God’s Own Country by how eloquently the author has described life there. If you feel the pull to visit Kerala after reading this novel, head to Goindigo for some tremendous festive offers on air tickets and make that holiday happen!

5. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

Genre Romantic Fiction
Year of Release 1813
Copies Sold Worldwide 20 million copies

This classic novel has stood the test of time as one of the most romantic novels, with just the correct elements of drama, humour and life lessons. Despite dating back over 200 years, this book adorns many readers’ shelves. It is often the most borrowed book in public libraries and schools.

Pride & Prejudice is the story of five sisters and their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Bennet, tracing their journey of finding themselves eligible grooms. This page-flipping book also highlights the repercussions of hasty judgments and how people are often quite different on the inside and the outside. A heart-warming read that is lauded for excellent character development, Pride & Prejudice is one of the best books to read in life. It is truly a book I can read again and again. You can also check out the Pride & Prejudice audiobook on Spotify, beautifully rendered by 27 actors with ambient sounds and music.

6. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings By Maya Angelou

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings By Maya Angelou

Genre Autobiography
Year of Release 1969
Copies Sold Worldwide One million copies

This coming-of-age novel is an inspiring depiction of trauma, courage, triumph and love for life. It shows how passion for literature and strength of character can uplift one from the dark corners of one’s life. A true ode to the importance of freedom and how it is a fundamental right for every living being, this book is an excellent read for people of all ages. If you have a young teenager finding their footing in the world, this book is a great way to ground them and give them the correct principles in life. Maya Angelou is an American writer and poet whose life is inspiring.

This book became a feature film that is just as moving and inspiring. Head to Flipkart and order this book immediately; you will not regret it!

7. The Diary of A Young Girl By Anne Frank

The Diary of A Young Girl By Anne Frank

Genre Autobiography
Year of Release 1947
Copies Sold Worldwide 30 million copies

Feel the devastating fear and impact of the Holocaust in this classic autobiographical book by Anne Frank. It chronicles 2 years that Anne Frank and her family spent in hiding during Germany’s occupation of the Netherlands during WW2. This book explores various themes and is a great read for all ages.

From touching upon the mindset and feelings of adolescence to the futility of war and the destruction it brings, this book drives home several essential points. The abrupt ending leaves readers almost fearful of what may have happened to Anne. I, for one, was very moved by the perils and burdens of the Holocaust on families and children like Anne Frank. I watched several titles and read a lot about the Holocaust after this read. Sophie’s Choice & Schindler’s List are some of the many movies on the impact of the Holocaust that are best enjoyed on a big Samsung QLED 4K Smart TV.

8. A Brief History of Time By Stephen Hawking

A Brief History of Time By Stephen Hawking

Genre Popular Science
Year of Release 1988
Copies Sold Worldwide 26 million copies

Are you interested in understanding our planet and our world better? Hear it from one of the best minds in the world through this book. Stephen Hawking explains complex concepts such as black holes, space & time. Physics and more in a simple, interesting and easy-to-understand manner. It is indeed one of the most Intellectual books everyone should read. He also throws in a generous serving of humour, making it an incredibly engaging read.

In fact, this classic on modern science must be taught in schools worldwide. I followed my reading up with tons of content on Stephen Hawking and his work available on Tutorialspoint

9. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Genre Sociology/Anthropology in Non-Fiction
Year of Release 2014
Copies Sold Worldwide 25 million copies

This book will change your entire view of humankind. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari is a revelation in many ways. This book combines disciplines such as anthropology, archaeology, biology, language and culture to leave you speechless with its propositions and ideas.

Sapiens is a mirror for humankind to better understand ourselves and our origins. It tracks the evolution of humans from the Stone Age to the 21st century and pieces it together in the most engaging way ever.

I could not put down this riveting book that had me researching, discovering and marvelling at humans, the universe and the marvels of biology and science. Even my most comfortable mattress from the Sleep Company wasn’t inviting enough to put down this book and get to bed! I finished the cover in three days, binge-reading my way to knowledge!

10. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

Genre Historical fiction
Year of Release 2003
Copies Sold Worldwide 10 million copies

The yearning for your homeland and the unbreakable bond of friendship are so beautifully sewn together by Khaled Hosseini in his debut novel. Set in modern-day Afghanistan, this book traces the story of two young boys in Kabul, one wealthy and the other poor. It follows how their different paths separate and intertwine again over the years, set against Afghanistan’s political and social turmoil in the 1970s and 80s.

This poignant and powerful book is an emotional rollercoaster about friendship, redemption, longing and love. A true page-turner, this book forced the world to stand up and take notice of the sufferings of the people of Afghanistan and the challenges faced by first-generation immigrants in Western countries. Indeed, this book touches upon so many human emotions and challenges yet manages to leave you with a smile on your face by the end of it. Reading so much about Afghanistan got me so intrigued by its food, dressing and culture that I invested in a vintage banjara mirror-work Afghani shoulder bag from Itokri that reminds me of this beautiful read every time I carry it.

11. The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Genre Quest/Adventure/Fantasy
Year of Release 1988
Copies Sold Worldwide 150 million copies

If you are looking for an inspirational read about identifying and following one’s purpose in life, The Alchemist is, without a doubt, the best novel on the topic! This book has touched the lives of millions of people and continues to do so with its primary message of chasing one’s dreams.

The Alchemist follows the life of Santiago, a shepherd boy who wants to travel in search of a treasure. His quest for the treasure leads him to riches and experiences that are more fulfilling than he ever imagined. This book highlights the importance of listening to one’s heart, recognizing opportunities and seizing them to live the best version of your life. Such profound messages, but The Alchemist delivers them in the simplest and heart-touching manner. This book is truly a modern classic that is a must-read for generations of thinkers and doers. I was so inspired after reading this book that I finally embarked on my long-pending desire to learn about space and the cosmos through an online course from the University of Colorado on Coursera. Total points to The Alchemist for converting ideas into action!

12. The Bhagavad Gita By Vyasa

The Bhagavad Gita By Vyasa

Genre Religious Scripture
Year of Release 2nd century BC
Copies Sold Worldwide Five hundred million copies

Undoubtedly one of the most life-changing books, The Bhagavad Gita is a divine discourse delivered by Lord Krishna to Lord Arjuna. This scripture from ancient India is revered and is read not just by Indians but by the greatest minds from the world over. Nikola Tesla, Robert Oppenheimer, Nelson Mandela, APJ Abdul Kalam and Steve Jobs are great personalities who have openly praised the Bhagavad Gita for its profound influence on their lives.

The main message of the Bhagavad Gita is to live a life with purity, strength, honesty and discipline. The sacred scripture proposes that every human has a God and an Atma within him. Interestingly, about sixty different types of Bhagavad Gita books or versions are based on interpretations and teachings. If you want to know more about this profound pool of knowledge and wisdom in the broader expanse of Hinduism as a way of life, head to edX for open online courses on Hindu philosophy, sacred texts and narratives. edX is a leading online learning platform created by Harvard and MIT that delivers courses on various disciplines. The study on Hinduism has been attended by over 1,00,000 people and counting, making it one of the most intriguing topics for online learning.

13. 1984 by George Orwell

1984 by George Orwell

Genre Dystopian Social Science Fiction
Year of Release 1949
Copies Sold Worldwide 30 million copies

If political fiction is your preferred genre in books, 1984 by George Orwell is truly one of the books you should read at least once in your lifetime. This chilling and thought-provoking read is about a man called Winston Smith who works in the Ministry of Truth for a government set in a dark period of absolute totalitarianism. This book serves as a warning for the world we are becoming, and it will scare you to know that many elements of this set-up are witnessed in some radical countries today. Give this timeless classic a read to get your brain juices churning.

One aspect of this book that stands out is the use of subtle political satire to convey painful and challenging ideas. If you enjoyed the political humour and understated comedy in 1984, head to Insider for several events and stand-up comedy shows that nail this genre of intelligent comedy and tickle your brains.

14. A Suitable Boy By Vikram Seth

A Suitable Boy By Vikram Seth

Genre Fiction/Romance
Year of Release 1993
Copies Sold Worldwide 26 million copies

An ode to the culturally rich point in India’s history fresh from Independence, A Suitable Boy tracks the story of large families and the quest of a middle-aged woman to find the perfect life partner for her daughter.

This book by Vikram Seth, one of India’s most celebrated authors, is one of the longest single-volume English novels published in India, with over 1349 pages. This series touches upon various subjects around the independence epoch, including abolishing the Zamindari system, caste/religious differences between Hindus and Muslims and the emergent inclination towards education among the Indian middle class. Amidst all these heavy ideas, this book is light and enjoyable.

If you loved reading the book, turn its last page and switch to the Netflix series by the same name, directed by the celebrated Mira Nair. This series’s background score is commendable; you can enjoy it best with a console of JBL home theatre speakers.

15. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Genre Domestic fiction/gothic fiction
Year of Release 1960
Copies Sold Worldwide 40 million copies

A true-blue American classic, To Kill A Mockingbird is a landmark book that is taught in schools and colleges. This book tells the story of two children, Scout & Jem Finch, whose father defends a black man falsely accused of rape. This coming-of-age novel explores subjects of injustice and racial discrimination. It is undoubtedly a read for young adults to implement their principles and ideas. I recommend this book for your teenage child to imbibe the all-important principle of sticking to one’s beliefs.

Interestingly, this book is based on actual events and the experiences of the author’s family. So, if you want an honest, hard-hitting read, this classic won’t disappoint you. A movie with the same title based on this book is available in DVD form on Amazon India. It is a definite post-buy after reading this masterpiece!

16. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Genre Literary Realism
Year of Release 1878
Copies Sold Worldwide 200 million copies

From the legendary writer of War & Peace comes this absolute masterpiece called Anna Karenina. Anna Karenina is considered one of the best pieces of literature ever written, and with good reason. This historical drama illustrates life in Russia among high-society families as it tracks the life-changing affair between Anna Karenina & Count Vronsky. A long and dense read, this book is undoubtedly one you must tick off from your list if complexities of love, faith, betrayal, desires & marriage are topics of interest.

I especially enjoyed reading this masterpiece as it is set in the transitional period of Russian history. It piqued my interest further in the country, which led me to Repro Books, which houses several e-books and printables that are otherwise tough to find in the retail market.

17. Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

Genre Futuristic Dystopian novel
Year of Release 1985
Copies Sold Worldwide 8 million copies

This radical novel isn’t for the faint-hearted. A futuristic dystopian book about how the United States government is overthrown, and the country is changed into a military dictatorship that is patriarchal and white supremacist. The novel tracks the story of a woman named Offred, who is one of the last left fertile women and is forced to produce children for the commanders.

A hard-hitting read, The Handmaid’s Tale is a book that will linger in your mind long after you read it for its disturbing plots and strong sentiments. This critically acclaimed book has a series that illustrates the same story. After reading the book, I quickly tapped up the series, and it was just as gripping! The sound system and crisp colour quality of my RealMe TV made the experience even more engaging!

18. The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley By Malcolm X and Alex Haley

The Autobiography of Malcolm X_ As Told to Alex Haley By Malcolm X and Alex Haley

Genre Autobiography
Year of Release 1965
Copies Sold Worldwide Six million copies

A book that carries a timeless message of equality and the rights of people, The Autobiography of Malcolm X is one of the most underrated literary masterpieces. Written by Malcolm X and Alex Haley in collaboration, this book was released nine months after his assassination. It highlights his thoughts, actions and ideas on racism and how discrimination against black people dehumanizes them. A true classic, The Autobiography of Malcolm X is an apt representation of the plight of black people in America at the time.

I became very interested in the life and journey of Malcolm X following this read. If you want to know more about the modern legend, start by listening to his speeches on YouTube with a crisp Bluetooth headset from U and I World.

19. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Genre Historical Fiction 
Year of Release 2006
Copies Sold Worldwide 17 million copies

The Book Thief is a book about books that bibliophiles will love. Set in Germany during World War II, this bestseller is about Liesel, a girl who steals books and finds comfort in reading them. The book aptly illustrates the plight and uncertainty of war, with Liesel losing everyone she cared about except Max, a Jewish boy her family protects. Love, kindness, literacy, power and the helplessness that war causes are some of the themes of this absolutely engaging novel.

It gets the reader so involved in the happenings of the Holocaust that you are eager to know more about the epoch and the events after reading this book. I satisfied my curiosity by watching several documentaries on my Pepperfry couch all weekend.

20. Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie

Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie

Genre Magical Realism
Year of Release 1981
Copies Sold Worldwide 20 million copies

 This masterful blend of politics, fiction and magic is a book by an Indo-British writer about India’s transition into an independent nation. Loosely based on his life, The Midnight’s Children grips your imagination from page one and holds onto it until the end. One of Salman Rushdie’s best works, The Midnight’s Children, won the Booker’s Prize in 1981, followed by the Booker of Bookers to celebrate the Booker Prize’s 25th anniversary.

This book is about Saleem, who was born at midnight when India gained independence and how he is imbued with special powers due to his particular birth time. A film by Deep Mehta was made in the book, which is just as intriguing. Watch it with a Boult Audio sound bar and home theater system for maximum impact.

Curious Corner

  1. What is the No. 1 book to read in the world?

The Bible is the most-read book in the world and is estimated to have sold over 5 billion copies over the last 60 years and counting. As of September 2022, the Bible has been translated into 724 languages, and the New Testament has been translated into 1617 languages, making the Bible the most-read book globally.

  1. What is everyone reading right now?

Some of the most read books currently, according to Goodreads members, are:

  • The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
  • The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jerkins Reid
  • Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
  • To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  1. Which is the most successful book series of all time?

The Harry Potter series is by far the highest-selling series of all time. The series has sold more than 500 million copies and counting. Written by British author J.K Rowling, the series has seven books, with the first installment, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone alone, selling over 120 million copies.

  1. How do I find a good book?

There are several ways to find a good book to read. Some of them include

  • Heading for Nobel Prize-winning authors
  • Heading to bookstores to check out the bestsellers of the month
  • Visiting Goodreads.com and looking at book reviews & what avid readers are currently reading
  • Visit reputable publishers’ websites and scan through their latest releases
  • Google the most-read books of the year by genre
  1. Which are the most popular book genres?

Romance, mystery, fantasy & fiction, autobiographies and self-help/inspirational books are some of the most popular genres that reach massive audiences worldwide every year.


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