How to Get Periods Instantly

How to Get Periods Instantly? Natural Remedies and Risks

Don’t want your periods to clash with that all-important weekend getaway, exam week or your upcoming swimming competition? We have you covered! Here are all the simple, effective, natural remedies you can try to induce early in an early period and not let it get in the way of your enjoyment!

How to Get Periods Instantly? Natural Remedies and Risks

1. Pack In A Good Workout

2. Consume Spicy Foods

3. Eat Pineapple and/or Raw Papaya

4. Consume Turmeric

5. Consume Vitamin C in Natural or Supplement form

6. Consume Celery Juice

7. Get Cozy Under The Sheets

8. Perform Warm Compress

9. Try Foot & Hand Reflexology

10. De-stress & Relax

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Get Periods Instantly? Natural Remedies and Risks

Getting your period in the middle of an important event or a holiday can be a killjoy. Every menstruating woman has tried natural methods of inducing her period at least once to avoid menstruating during a vacation, exams, festival or other landmark events.

While there are hundreds of tricks in the book to usher in your early periods, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons before indulging in them. Many home remedies to get early periods are relatively harmless if done in moderation, so it is always advisable to try home remedies instead of tablets to get periods immediately if delayed.

Try home remedies cautiously, as some hacks, like consuming celery juice or hormonal pills, can cause side effects. These must be done only after consulting your doctor.

If you are looking for simple, harmless and effective methods of inducing your period that is good for your overall well-being, read this article and choose among these period-inducing tricks that are most suited to your health and lifestyle! Read on to discover some easy hacks that can help usher in an early period.

1. Pack In A Good Workout

If you’re at the cusp of getting your period, but the uncertainty and delay are burdening, simply indulging in a good workout increases your chances of inducing your period. Any workout, including Yoga, strength training, HIIT, Pilates or even a run, is sufficient to get blood flowing to your pelvic muscles and stimulate them. Exercise also regulates hormone levels, and a good hormone balance is essential to a healthy and timely period.

On the contrary, over-exercising also can cause a delay in your period as your body is in a state of constant stress when you overexert your body. This does not allow regular bodily functions to take place promptly. Many people push the button and over-exercise, a common side-effect of obsessing over fitness. This can cause more harm to your body in the long run. So ensure you give yourself good rest and recovery after a workout and keep yourself hydrated to increase your chances of inducing your period. Here are some exercises that particularly help with getting your period faster:

  • Fish pose in Yoga
  • Squats
  • Camel Pose
  • Circuit training in HIIT
  • Hip thrusts
  • Downward facing dog pose in Yoga
  • Glute bridges

If you’re looking to pack in a good workout in the comfort of your home, head to for a diverse workout library, customized workouts, supplements and more! Don’t forget to invest in good recovery tools from Beatxp, including massage guns and massage pillows, to up your recovery game. And before everything else, always wear comfortable and breathable workout attire available on Cultsports at affordable prices. Use Saveora coupons on all these portals to make your entire fitness ecosystem affordable.

2. Consume Spicy Foods

India is a land of spices, which have several benefits when consumed optimally and in moderation. Fenugreek, Turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and ajwain seeds are some of the many spices that are known to help induce periods. If you’re looking to induce your periods naturally, log on to the best grocery apps and order your spices instantly. Amazon Pantry is a great online grocery delivery platform with a stock of good-quality spices. However, when consumed in excess, many of these spices can cause excessive body heat, acne, indigestion and other ailments. So, exercising extreme caution in your consumption of spices is always advisable.

3. Eat Pineapple and/or Raw Papaya

Pineapple is one of the most used hacks to get periods instantly. It is almost always associated with early periods in solid form and as a juice. Pineapple contains bromelain, which softens the uterine lining and helps you get your period faster. Papaya is also known to cause contractions in the uterus lining and thereby can allow blood flow there. Papaya is a source of carotene, which speeds up estrogen production in the body and helps the onset of menstruation. If you are looking to bring forward your period date, order some fresh papaya and pineapple from Freshmenu and indulge yourself, but only with a word of caution first. Use Saveora coupons on Freshmenu to get your fruits at the best prices.

Eating pineapple or raw papaya is often done for the wrong reasons, which can cause more harm than good. Many people also assume that eating plenty of pineapple or consuming pineapple juice is a way to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy. But, this can backfire as you can end up bleeding excessively and have terrible abdominal cramps. If you have the slightest doubt about being pregnant, it is always advisable to seek the counsel of a doctor before taking any step to get your period.

4. Consume Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most powerful spices in the world that profoundly affects all organs in the body. From being a natural anti-inflammatory agent to fighting arthritis, delaying the onset of diabetes and improving skin health, Turmeric is a wonder drug and nature’s gift to us for good health.

When it comes to inducing your period, Turmeric does an excellent job as it is an emmenagogue, meaning it stimulates blood flow to the uterus and the pelvic region. It also has an antispasmodic effect in that it helps the uterus expand and prepare for menstruation. Mix some turmeric with water or boil it with milk and consume it for good health and to induce your periods. Order your turmeric supply from Flipkart Grocery using the Saveora coupon for easy, fuss-free delivery.

5. Consume Vitamin C in Natural or Supplement form

Vitamin C is a powerhouse Vitamin and has a strong correlation with blood. To absorb iron well and have healthy blood parameters, the human body needs Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps regulate hormones by raising estrogen levels and lowering progesterone levels. This alignment can lead to uterine contractions and cause the uterus lining to break down, thereby ushering your periods sooner.

It is always advisable to have Vitamin C in its natural form. Simple things such as eating an orange or two daily or squeezing a whole lemon on your food can help increase your Vitamin C consumption. If you must rely on supplements, go for the Fast & Up Vitamin C Daily Supplement only after consulting your doctor. Use the Fast & Up Saveora coupon to get your Vitamin C stash at a great price.

6. Consume Celery Juice

Consuming celery juice is a great way to get periods immediately if delayed. Celery has a high water content that helps you stay hydrated, essential for your menstrual cycle. Celery also contains coumarins that help regulate and increase blood flow towards your pelvis, thereby welcoming the periods.

This burst of goodness does much for your body besides just helping with periods. Celery is an excellent antioxidant and helps with acid reflux, flushing out toxins and fighting diseases.

Getting celery at the local vegetable market or corner store can be challenging. Log onto the FreshToHome app and order a range of vegetables, including celery, lemon and other essentials for your celery juice, to dice up this healthy drink at home and increase your chances of inducing your period.

A word of caution for celery juice that you must know. Celery is known to bring about a drop in blood sugar and blood pressure. For someone with already low blood sugar and blood pressure, celery can cause sleepiness or make you unconscious. So, before consuming celery juice, consult a doctor on MediBuddy by using a Saveora coupon and getting your consultation at a great price.

7.Get Cozy Under The Sheets

If you want a non-food option to stimulate an early period, performing sexual intercourse could be it! This fuss-free, easy and somewhat enjoyable hack has absolutely no side effects! It is also a great mood stimulator that makes you happy and relaxed.

From a physiological perspective, having sexual intercourse causes blood to gush towards your uterus and pelvic muscles. It contracts the uterus and relaxes the vagina, which is the correct set-up to usher in your period. In addition to these physical changes, sex helps secrete positive hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins. 

Combining these three hormones can fight anxiety and stress to bring the body at ease and relaxed, which is precisely what you need to kickstart your period. This is easily the safest and the best bet if you are wondering how to get your period in one hour.

Whether for pleasure or to stimulate your menstrual cycle, performing safe sex is a must. Protect yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases and reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancies by using contraceptives such as condoms. Apollo Pharmacy has a range of sexual wellness products that can be delivered to your doorstep at a cost-effective price, thanks to the Saveora coupons on Apollo Pharmacy.

8. Apply Warm Compress

Applying a warm compress on your abdomen can stimulate blood flow to the area and help begin your menstrual cycle early. This is one of the simplest ways to stimulate an early period without consuming anything. However, even a warm compress is not free from risk.

Overdoing a warm compress on your abdominal muscles is not safe. Not only does it carry a risk of burning your skin topically by excess exposure to heat, but a warm compress may sometimes even cause your period to become heavier due to the constant flow of blood towards your abdomen. Hence, it is always advisable to practice warm compress cautiously and do it sparingly. Ideally, a 10-15 minute warm compress is more than enough once a day. Refrain from repeating a warm compress several times a day as you can make the muscles around your abdomen over-stimulated, and this can hamper your movement, flexibility and comfort.

Head to 1mg to order a sturdy, thick and safe hot bag that will last the test of time and help ease your period woes. Use the Saveora 1mg coupon to get all your medical supplies at great prices.

9. Try Foot & Hand Reflexology

Reflexology is a massaging technique that involves applying pressure to specific pressure points in the body to alleviate health issues or stimulate the body positively. There are points on our feet and palms relative to every organ or gland in our body. Stimulating these points can help improve the functioning of that particular organ. Using reflexology is a great way to get periods immediately if delayed. The best thing is that reflexology has absolutely no side effects!

The area between the ankle and the sole on the medial side of your foot corresponds to the uterus. Stimulating this point can help cause an early onset of periods simply and naturally. Although you do not need any oil or external application for reflexology, you can try some Olive Jelly from Earth Rhythm using the Saveora coupon for a smooth reflexology experience.

Similarly, the point on the back of the hand between the thumb and the index finger is associated with the uterus. Stimulate this point to help induce an early period. The benefits of reflexology could sometimes be instantaneous. However, short bursts of sessions daily can help influence your periods after 4-6 such sessions.

10. De-stress & Relax

Stress is one of the top conditions that leads to a hormonal imbalance. High-stress levels always keep the body in fight or flight mode, which doesn’t allow the body to rest, recover and perform its internal functions promptly. High stress also causes the body to secrete excess cortisol, which leads to a hormonal imbalance in the body and leads to delayed periods. Removing stress from your life can do much good for your menstrual cycle and every aspect of your physical, mental, social and emotional being.

So, if you are looking to get your periods fast, you must focus on de-stressing and relaxing. Wondering how? From indulging in aromatherapy using the soothing range of candles from Bath & Body Works to going for a relaxing massage at Krishna Ayurveda Massage Centre, there is a lot you can do to put your body in relaxed mode. Brewing a soothing herbal tea from Amaara Herbs and treating yourself to a warm bath is also a great way to de-stress your body. For some, gardening and nursery care are a great way to de-stress. Bring home some plants from HomeTown that are easy to care for, such as spider and ivy plants. You can also unwind by becoming a couch potato and exploring the best movies on Amazon Prime. If nothing else, tuck yourself in for a long, restful slumber on a super comfortable mattress from Duroflex. The good news is that Saveora has coupon discounts on all these platforms and brands, so unwinding in your favourite way is much cheaper!

A good day or two of absolute de-stressing can help align your hormones and stimulate regular body functions to resume, including a timely menstrual cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1.     How to make periods pass faster?

Staying hydrated is the #1 way to have a healthy period. Dehydration can escalate pre-menstrual stress and discomfort/cramping during periods. Staying hydrated is the best way to help your cycle end optimally and fast. Eight glasses or 64 ounces per day is an ideal water consumption that can prevent your blood from thickening and alleviate muscle cramps, which results in the smooth and easy flow of your period.

  1.     What is the maximum delay in periods?

Most often, one can expect their period within 24 to 38 days of the last period. This range of difference is normal, depending on the nature of your cycle. If seven days pass your expected due date, your period is considered late. Consider it a missed period if six weeks have passed your expected period date. However, a missed period may not necessarily mean you are pregnant. It can also indicate a hormonal imbalance, PCOS, menopause or several other conditions best detected by a doctor.

  1.     Is it safe to take tablets to get periods?

Progesterone pills are usually taken to induce periods. These hormone pills have specific side effects such as cramps, dizziness, fatigue, diarrhoea, bloating and emotional stability. Hence, it is not advisable to self-medicate with progesterone medicines to get periods instantly. Always consult a doctor before taking medication to induce periods.

  1.     What is a ghost period?

Ghost periods, phantom periods or phantom flow are all terms used for a condition when the symptoms are similar to a normal period but no blood release. Phantom periods usually occur due to high levels of stress or endometriosis. It is best to check with a doctor if you are experiencing a phantom period. It could indicate an underlying health problem.

  1.     What can I drink to make my period come?

Several natural drinks can help induce your period. Some of them include:

    • Ginger tea
    • Celery juice
    • Turmeric water
    • Raw ginger juice
    • Pineapple juice
    • Apple cider vinegar

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