How to Get Rid of Dandruff_ Treatment and Remedies

How to Get Rid of Dandruff: Easy Treatment and Home Remedies

Tired of dusting off dandruff from your clothes and hair? Try these natural remedies to drive away your dandruff woes and say hello to a clean, fresh and dehydrated scalp! Discover DIY hacks to cure dandruff at home and win your confidence back!

How to Get Rid of Dandruff: Easy Treatment and Home Remedies

1. Applying Tea Tree Oil

2. Applying Aloe Vera

3. Applying Apple Cider Vinegar

4. Consuming a clean diet rich in Omega-3

5. Consuming & Applying Probiotics

6. Applying an Orange Peel Concoction

7. Applying Egg Yolk

8. Applying Green Tea

9. Applying Olive Oil

10. Eliminate Stress From Your Life

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Get Rid of Dandruff: Easy Treatment and Home Remedies

Nobody wants to see a film of dandruff on their scalp that’s just refusing to wash off! Dandruff is a common problem for people with dry and sensitive scalps. Stress, humidity and a poor diet can add to the plight of a chronic dandruff-fighter. Thankfully, Nature has a cure for everything, including dandruff!

That’s right! If you’re wondering how you can beat your dandruff woes and how to get rid of dandruff without having to invest in a ton of products, we have you covered! Home remedies are the first thing you must try to cure dandruff, and in most cases, they are often the first and last warriors against dandruff due to their effectiveness and lack of side effects. Here are handy and easy tips on how to treat dandruff at home with products that are easily accessible. Read on to discover secrets that your dermatologist may not tell you!  

1. Applying Tea Tree Oil

Best Method of Application/Consumption Dilute tea tree oil with coconut oil or shampoo
Any Possible Side Effects Can cause itchiness or redness, especially if in contact with the eyes; a patch test advised

Have you observed what the most common ingredient is in all shampoos and products that claim to fight dandruff? That’s right, it is tea tree oil. This wonder oil has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that fight several skin and scalp issues. It is also widely used in treating head lice and healing minor wounds and fungal issues. When it comes to dandruff, tea tree oil helps fight yeast overgrowth and calms an itchy and dry scalp.

As tea tree oil is a potent and concentrated oil, it is not advisable to use it directly on your scalp. The best and most effective way to use tea tree oil in your fight against dandruff is to dilute it with coconut or jojoba oil. Take 50 ml of coconut oil and add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil for a one-time application mix. Add 5-10 drops of tea tree oil to your everyday shampoo.

Also, ensure you avoid any contact with your eyes by using tea tree oil, as it can cause your eyes to become irritated and red. It is best to do a patch test on your arm before applying it to your scalp, as a small percentage of the population may show allergic reactions towards tea tree oil.

Kama Ayurveda has a great Tea Tree Essential Oil product that is the most pure form of this elixir. Mix this with the Just Herbs Extra Virgin Coconut oil to make yourself one of the best remedies to cure dandruff naturally! Use the Saveora coupons on both of these brands to make your fight against dandruff a cost-effective one! You can also watch out for the upcoming online sales on Nykaa and Myntra to bag Kama Ayurveda and Just Herbs products at a neat price.

2. Applying Aloe Vera

Best Method of Application/Consumption Direct application
Any Possible Side Effects None

Aloe Vera is a wonder plant that can single-handedly cure minor burns, cold sores, fungal infections, skin inflammations, acne and more. It is also a magical and natural method to remove dandruff in one day through home remedies.

Aloe Vera is so potent and safe that it can go straight from the plant to your hair. If you do not have access to an Aloe Vera plant, the best way to get your hands on the purest form of Aloe Vera is the Juicy Chemistry Certified Organic Aloe Vera Gel. The Forest Essentials Aloe Vera Juice is also a great product that offers the same quality and purity as a liquid. Since Aloe Vera has virtually no side effects, massage Aloe Vera gel directly onto your scalp and wash it off with a mild shampoo after letting it stay for 30 minutes.

3. Applying Apple Cider Vinegar

Best Method of Application/Consumption Direct application by diluting with water in a 1:1 ratio
Any Possible Side Effects May cause irritation/burning; a patch test advised

Apple Cider Vinegar is a true elixir for good health. This versatile health tonic can be consumed or applied depending on the Nature of the health problem one is facing. Just like aloe vera, apple cider vinegar has broad uses across wellness, including weight loss, glucose management, skin allergies, and, of course, dandruff. 

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is known to balance the pH level of the scalp, thereby reducing the symptoms of dandruff and, over time, facilitating a healthy scalp that doesn’t exhibit the problem of dandruff.
However, as apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, it can irritate a delicate scalp. So, it is advisable to conduct a patch test on your skin before going full throttle with this home remedy. After cleansing your scalp with a mild shampoo, apply a diluted version of apple cider vinegar and let it sit for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off. Spend this time reading a bestseller book and allow your scalp to soak in the goodness of ACV.

Hyuga Life has a range of organic and pure apple cider vinegar that’s an excellent investment for your overall health and well-being. Use the Hyuga Life offers from Saveora to bag a beat discount on your purchase, and use the ACV elixir to defeat stubborn dandruff.

4. Consuming a clean diet rich in Omega-3

Best Method of Application/Consumption Fish, Nuts & Seeds, Plant Oil, Supplements
Any Possible Side Effects Excess consumption can cause nausea, heartburn or diarrhea.

Omega-3 are healthy fats that support heart health, skin health and overall well-being of the body. Besides strengthening the immune system, Omega-3 is a crucial element to healthy body cells across all organs and functions. It is truly a life elixir and is an effective way to fight dandruff.

Consuming a diet rich in omega-3 involves including nuts, seeds and fish as part of your regular food intake. Happilo offers a healthy nut mix that has all the essential nuts that are rich in omega-3, such as almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts and more. A handful of these daily nuts is one of the best home remedies for dandruff and overall good health.

For fresh fish varieties such as seer, pomfret and basa, choose FreshToHome, which brings the best-quality seafood straight to your doorstep. Having a seafood diet is a natural way of loading up on omega-3 fats. 

Head to Cora Health for Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules that are free of side effects and are guaranteed to improve all aspects of your overall health besides driving your dandruff blues away! Saveora offers up to 71% off on Cora Health products, so fighting against dandruff is easy on your pocket! 

5. Consuming & Applying Probiotics

Best Method of Application/Consumption Curd to apply; pickles, cheese, curd and tempeh are to be consumed in moderation
Any Possible Side Effects None

Probiotics are good bacteria that are important to keep your body healthy. Yoghurt, pickles, cheese and tempeh are some foods high in probiotics. While there is no magic trick that can tell you how to get rid of dandruff in 5 minutes, probiotics are the closest you can come to magic!

Curd or yoghurt, when applied to dandruff-prone hair for around 30 minutes before your next hair wash, can cut down your dandruff woes tremendously! Additionally, You can add a few drops of lemon or apple cider vinegar to the curd to balance the pH level of your scalp and wash out accumulated oils. So if you have a dinner date to go to and you’re looking for a dandruff quick fix, order a tub of curd and some lemon from Freshmenu to dice up a hair pack that will leave your scalp feeling clean, fresh and hydrated!

6. Applying an Orange Peel Concoction

Best Method of Application/Consumption Apply on the scalp in paste form with a few drops of lemon
Any Possible Side Effects None

Another way to remove dandruff with natural home remedies involves putting the vitamin-mineral-rich orange peel to use! That’s right, the modest orange peel we discard is packed with dietary fibre, magnesium, vitamins and minerals – all of which can do wonders for your scalp health!

Throw an orange peel into the grinder with a few drops of lemon juice and apply this paste onto your scalp. You’ll give your scalp a boost of goodness and drive away your dandruff woes. Bring home the best fruits from Flipkart grocery and relish some juicy & sweet oranges before putting the peel to work.

7. Applying Egg Yolk

Best Method of Application/Consumption Beat & apply on dry scalp
Any Possible Side Effects None

An egg is a powerhouse of nutrients, vitamins and minerals essential to maintain good health. Eggs are a complete food that provides your body with a balanced protein and fat, with all the vital vitamins. While it’s great to consume daily, applying a beaten egg on your scalp is excellent for restoring scalp & hair health.

Simply beat one whole egg and apply it on your scalp and hair, leaving it for an hour before you wash it off. The odour of egg on your hair can be repulsive, so don’t hesitate to wash your hair with an additional run-through of shampoo to get the egg out completely. This is indeed an egg-cellent way to drive away those dandruff woes!

8. Applying Green Tea

Best Method of Application/Consumption Apply on dry scalp
Any Possible Side Effects None

Green tea is lauded for its anti-oxidant properties that restore scalp health and drive away dandruff. Heat some hot water and dip two bags of green tea. Allow the water to soak in the essence of the tea thoroughly, leaving it to cool for around 30 minutes. Apply cool green tea on your scalp and wash after approximately 30 minutes. This all-natural home remedy for dandruff has no side effects and leaves your scalp feeling supple, clean and fresh! What’s not to love?

Organic India has a great variety of green tea that is a delight to consume and to apply to your hair!

9. Applying Olive Oil

Best Method of Application/Consumption Massage onto dry scalp
Any Possible Side Effects None

Olive oil is one of the richest oils to consume and apply to yourself. Give your scalp a good and relaxing massage with olive oil every week to get rid of dandruff and strengthen your scalp. You can also leave olive oil overnight on your scalp for absolute absorption. This home remedy is free of side effects and is a great boon for shiny, supple and soft hair! Head to Amala Earth for cold-pressed olive oil that’s healthy for the scalp, skin and heart!

10. Eliminate Stress From Your Life

Stress is a major trigger for skin breakouts, tummy issues and dandruff. Believe it or not, eliminating stress from your life and dedicating downtime daily can drive away your dandruff woes.

Make sure you invest in a good memory foam mattress from SleepyCat that ensures you sleep like a baby every night. Aside from this, give yourself time to watch the best movies on Amazon Prime if that’s your idea of winding down. If reading is your idea of relaxing, grab some best-selling books from Abe Books and sink your nose into the finest reads of the season! Anything to calm your mind and feel refreshed – beat stress and your dandruff woes!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can dandruff cause hair fall?

Dandruff on its own does not cause hair fall. However, someone with chronic dandruff is often found itching their scalp, which can cause inflammation in the hair follicles. This, in turn, can cause weak or thinning hair and damage the scalp with constant friction from the nails.

  1. Which oil is best for dandruff?

There are a host of oils that are great at fighting dandruff. These oils can be used in isolation or dilution based on their potency. Here are some oils that are useful to fight dandruff:

  • Tea tree oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Peppermint oil

You can get these oils from Amazon pantry at great prices using our Saveora cashback and discount coupons.

  1. What causes dandruff?

Dandruff is caused by various factors such as fungal infection, dry scalp, oily/irritated skin and blocked pores or hair cuticles on the scalp. Dandruff is also caused when you don’t shampoo your hair often, causing an oil build-up on your scalp. Acute seborrheic dermatitis and a weak immune system are also causes of dandruff.

  1. Can lemon remove dandruff?

Yes, lemon is an excellent home remedy for dandruff. Lemon has citric acid, a great balancer of your scalp’s pH. Lemon also fights scalp dryness and prevents fungus growth, making it an excellent option to cure dandruff at home. You can mix lemon in coconut oil or curd and apply this mask for 30 minutes before shampooing your hair with a mild shampoo. Order lemon, curd, coconut oil and your other pantry essentials from Flipkart grocery using Saveora coupons for cashback and discounts.

  1. What food causes dandruff?

A diet rich in saturated fats, processed foods, spicy food, fried food, gluten and sugar can increase your chances of having oily skin/scalp and thus lead to the formation of dandruff. Have a diet of fruits, vegetables, protein, pulses and healthy fats to have healthy skin and scalp and keep dandruff at bay.


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